4/20/2024 Field Report - Front Range

Thaddeus Baringer
Lat: 40.3093297, Lon: -105.671863

Report Information

Observation Summary:

Large slide from dead elk. My party was on the lake debating if the north facing aspect was still cold enough to go up when we saw this slide with at least 4 people caught as visible in the image. We heard from another party that 13 people were involved, although im not sure if everyone was caught or if it was 13 people in the couloir or what. Another party doing a mountaineering class went over to assist the people who got caught. We also saw an additional two slides come down from dead elk in the next 30 minutes as we ascended the apron between dragons tail and dead elk. Looked to be wet slabs I think. Also saw two wet loose point releases. Heard that dragons tail also slid earlier in the morning triggered by someone skiing it.


Caught in an avalanche


Cracking: Minor
Collapsing: None

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