Field Report

Front Range - CO

Lat: 40.4874972, Lon: -105.9125788
Backcountry Area: Front Range
Author: Kurt Strobel

Report Information

Observation Summary

On second lap of skin track, we remotely trigger an avalanche on easterly facing slope. Big whompf, then saw slope above start to move. Hustled into the trees and only got hit by powder cloud.

We noticed some sluffs that seemed to come from cornice breaks. Otherwise, no signs of instability. New snow (8-10”) was on top of melt /freeze crust and not bonded well.

Route Description

Lookers right side of No Name bowl west of old Lake Agnes Cabin


Triggered avalanche
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Date # Elev Asp Type Trig SizeR SizeD Problem Type
1 >TL E HS AS/r R3 D2.5 Persistent Slab


Cracking: None
Collapsing: None

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