Field Report

Southern San Juan - CO

Lat: 37.6752277, Lon: -107.7313301
Backcountry Area: Southern San Juan
Author: Jeremy Yanko
Organization: Forecaster, CAIC

Report Information

Observation Summary

Noticed a large avalanche in the "4th of July" couloir during some clearing skies in the morning. Also saw some wall to wall storm slab/Dry Loose activity in the "golden boy/north shore" area.

Area Description

North Twilight Peak/ Crater Lake

Route Description

AM highway observations


Saw an avalanche

One large natural above treeline off North Twilight. Multiple small releases or one large? In steep cliff zone below treeline on summit of Coal Bank

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Date # Elev Asp Type Trig SizeR SizeD Problem Type
>TL NW SS N R3 D2.5 Storm Slab
<TL N SS N R3 D2 Storm Slab


Cracking: None
Collapsing: Rumbling

Experienced a rumbling collapse at the Molas study plot. 2 1/2 day storm totals Molas 27"/ 2.1" SWE Coal Bank 30.5" / 2.35" SWE


Partly Cloudy and calm 18F

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