Accident Report

Bald Mountain, southeast of Breckenridge - CO

1 backcountry tourer caught - not buried - 2024/12/01
Lat: 39.4492699, Lon: -105.9866694
Backcountry Area: Vail & Summit County
Status: Final Report
Published: 2024/12/02

Accident Summary

Area Description

West side of Bald Mt southeast of Breckenridge

Route Description

Slide reported second hand to me while I was working at Sisters Cabin


Caught in an avalanche

Two people that were staying at Sisters Cabin returned to the hut after skiing up the north ridge of Bald Mt. They saw a slide with one track going into a crown, and a little further west they could see what looked like boot kicks climbing back up on the climbers right flank. Slide ran out of sight into a gully. Later views indicated a fair amount of debris in the gully. Spread down 100 feet or so.
Probably ran one of the last two days of November.

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Date # Elev Asp Type Trig SizeR SizeD Problem Type
1 >TL NW HS AS R1 Persistent Slab


Collapsing: Moderate

Getting close to trapdoor season



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